Introduction to Wild Foods 2 results

Wild Foods of Winter

Portland, Oregon. $25 - $60 sliding scale, children pay their age, see details. In a walk through several habitats, learn the availability of wild foods in winter. Gain the ability to find wild foods when the land seems barren. When foods are not present, learn how to know where they will appear later in the year. Learn how to identify trees by their bark & twigs alone. Take your first steps to become a successful forager early on, sample plants, get expert advice. . Location Meet at 422 ...

Introduction to Wild Foods

Portland, Oregon. $25 - $60 sliding scale, children pay their age, see details. In a walk through several habitats around Mt Tabor Park, learn essentials of wild food use and study, the best books, resources, and field guides. Be a successful forager early on, sample plants, get expert advice. This core workshop provides a deeper understanding for all other workshops. Anyone genuinely serious about wild foods will benefit from this event. Location Meet at 422 SE 49th Ave, Portland OR ...